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👉🏼 Are you spinning your wheels trying to figure out why your Pinterest views aren't turning into clients?

👉🏼 Are you seeing some results, but aren't sure what to do with the information or know what to do next?

👉🏼 Or are you just getting started and want to start getting real leads and clients from Pinterest?


You’re in the right place.

There's a lot of advice out there for how to get more views and how to grow your following, but none of it matters if they're not looking at YOUR pins.

One million monthly viewers means absolutely nothing if they're only looking at your recipes and motivational quotes instead of your products and services

Change can happen FAST on Pinterest, are you ready?


Just for funzies, this course is a little science themed!

the science…


I'll also teach you things like…


so that you can…


Did I mention I only spend a few hours a quarter on my Pinterest?!

I'll teach you how to make your Pinterest account and lead generation completely automated.


What’s included?


Each one we'll focus on a different area of Pinterest (outlined below!). When you join, you get instant access to the Ultimate Pinterest guide & prework! A new module will open 48 hours after the last, allowing you to fly through the course, but giving you enough time to implement. Each Module has audio, video, & transcripts!


With each module you'll get homework to help you make the most of this. No, I'm not going to be grading your homework, and it's not mandatory. But these tasks, questions, etc. are going to help you get one step closer to finding your dream clients on Pinterest!


You'll get access for life when the videos so you can revisit it in the future.


You'll get access to this 60+ page ebook to help you on this journey. If you already have this ebook, you'll receive a code for $47 off, too!

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 Sound like something you need? Keep reading or skip to the payment.



THE BASICS: In the first module, we'll cover the basics and strategy to pinning, what makes a good board, and the formula to Pinterest success! Includes homework.


CONTENT: You can't pin without content. We'll uncover the anatomy of a good pin, how to make content, how to make a template, and some tricks and tips to help you make high converting pins.

BONUS: A Pinterest Audit Recording—watch be audit someone’s account!


TAILWIND: You don't have to have a paid account to use Tailwind. You can start a free trial and learn how to make the most of this incredible app! No, you don't have to use Tailwind to be successful on Pinterest, but I pinky promise it makes a HUGE impact. Members will also get a $30 off coupon for first time Tailwind users!

BONUS: Tailwind Create Training!


ANALYTICS: Every day you're on Pinterest, you get more and more data. But what does it mean? This week we will dive into the analytics and what they mean in the short and long term. We’ll touch on ads, too!


2021 + 2022 UPDATES. While I am not adding more updates, you’ll find updates from the last two years to help you navigate changes on the platform. My actually strategy has not changed, but the platforms have a little :) More info on these updates below in “what’s new in 2023” section.

Don’t just take my word for it…

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I'm glad you asked! Maybe you've seen Pinterest summits or other courses that cover all the same stuff. Sure, that's a business, baby! But rather than attending a Pinterest or online marketing summit with 20 classes on 20 Pinterest topics and sorting through what even applies to you, I've made a course that's JUST what you need. You don't need 20 thirty-minute courses, you just need this one.

If you took my course in the Stationer's Summit, I'm sure you're wondering if it's different than that. The answer is yes, it is. That course had to stay under an hour, and includes over 6 hours! I didn't touch much on Tailwind, and we will be spending a whole module on that, which allows you to fully automate your Pinterest. That course was stationery specific; this one is not. You likely learned a couple of stationery specific tips that I won't teach here, but there is much more content and strategy overall.


Here is what you get…

  • Goal Setting Worksheet.

  • Pre-work

  • Five Modules of Pinterest trainings + AD COURSE (A one hour ad course to help you get comfortable with everything ads on Pinterest! You’ll learn why I think Pinterest Ads are the best + I’m taking the scary parts out of ads!)

  • Homework.

  • The Ultimate Pinterest Guide

  • Support in a private Facebook Group.

  • Audio, Video, & Transcripts

  • Access forever.

  • 3 updates (outlined below)

YOU'LL GET IMMEDIATE ACCESS to THE Ultimate Pinterest GUIDE, the pre-work, & module one!

What's new in 2023?

This course was originally created in 2020. While that might seem dated, my strategy has not changed. The platform might look a little different, but each year I did an update video for what is new!

In addition to the Core Modules,
you'll also find the following updates:

Tailwind Create Tutorial (~30 min)

A 2021 live Audit + Q&A (~1 hour)

A 2022 Update (~50 min)

Please note, this course is 50% off because I have retired it. I will not be adding additional updates. If you are a course member, you can always use the Facebook group to ask questions! But at this time, I have no plans to add future updates.


IMMEDIATE ACCESS: I love to binge content. If you’re like me, I opened up everything for you to access immediately. You don’t have to wait a week for the next module to drop, you can dive right in.


I’m sure you have questions.

Here are some answers!

Is it specific to stationers?

No way! The strategies apply to all types of businesses!

Do you guarantee results?

When my clients work on their Pinterest and take the action that I recommend, they report back improved search results. While I believe fully in what I teach and my student's abilities, I don't guarantee results, as those are ultimately up to you. You'll leave with your questions answered and a resource guide that will help you take immediate action.

Do you have a payment plan?

YES! Love me a good payment plan. You can choose from one or two payments.

I am just getting started, is this for me?

Totally! This is for anyone who is ready to get results from Pinterest, whether you're day 1 or day 1000.


If we haven’t met,
I’m Carley.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, certified Magnetic Coach®, Pinterest and Etsy enthusiast, and wine lover.


This whole business thing started in 2014, when I started an Etsy shop. With my entrepreneurship degree in hand and the desire to do anything but go corporate, my mom and I decided to start making affordable invitations. We were NOT an overnight success.

Things did change for me overnight a few years later—my Pinterest skyrocketed in no time. I didn't have a business account; I didn't have ANY idea what I was doing. I woke up one day to 1,000,000 views in 30 days on ONE pin, and the leads and sales followed. I went from a few orders to having to close my Etsy shop to keep up.

After that one pin went crazy, I learned everything I could. I listened to podcasts, read blogs, experimented, ALL THE THINGS. I learned that a lot of people have gotten lucky and can't duplicate their results. Or that they are getting a ton of views, but making no sales. What's the point of that? I figured out how to use Pinterest to make money, not just get views. Everything changed for me that year. I made as much as I made in one year, in one month.

The years following brought on many new lessons in hiring, growing, scaling, and business in general, but one thing remained the same; my Pinterest continued to bring me traffic everyday and at least half of my leads and clients. While my business has changed, Pinterest remains one of my favorite parts of my job. So now, with my degree in entrepreneurship, coaching certification, and years of success on Pinterest, I'm ready to help people grow their business with this fun platform.

If I can do this, anyone can do this. I'm just a girl from Kansas who wanted nothing more than to make this thing work; Pinterest can help you reach all your dreams.

I drink, I cuss, and I call it like I see it.

I’m not proper or professional, but I’m real and honest.

I share my numbers openly.

I believe in energy, intention, action, and community over competition.

And I’m so excited to show up live and be all these things with you.
wine is always welcome on the lives calls ;)



Please note this course IS close. This is a retired course. :)
