How to Set Goals for 2021

Have you set your 2021 goals? No matter the answer, I wanted to share the energy and intention that I use to set my goals with you! In this episode, I'll break down the financial pieces + the mindset pieces. Below you can find the homework to go along with it!


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When setting goals, ask yourself:

  • What do you really want in your life and business?

  • What would you ask for if you knew the answer would be yes?

  • If you don't know what you want, that's OK. I know you don't know but ask yourself if you DID know what you want, what would it be?

Turning your desires into goals: Your goals should FEEL GOOD and motivate you. 

  1. State your Goals POSITIVELY

  2. Write them down

  3. Make is Specific & Timely

    1. A bad example: I want to make more money

    2. A good example: I want to make $10,000 by the end of the year

  4. Keep tabs on them in whatever timeframe feels good.

Breaking down your Financial Goals:

If you have a yearly goal in mind: Your goal $X /year.

Take X ÷ 12 = Monthly Goals

Take X ÷ 365 = Daily Goals.

Take Daily Goal Take ÷ 24 + Hourly goal.

If you have a monthly goal in mind: Your goal $X /month.

Take X * 12 = yearly goal

Take Yearly Goal ÷ 365 = Daily Goal.

Take Daily Goal Take ÷ 24 = Hourly goal.

  • Which one feels the best? Focus on that to start.

  • What smaller goals/baby steps can you set to help you achieve your big goal but also use as a stepping stone?

Embodying your goals:

  • What will reaching your goals allow you to do?

  • How will hitting your goals make you feel?

  • What will be possible because you hit your goal?

  • How can you keep your goals front of mind?

Don't play small. Your desires are enough of a reason for you to have what you want. If you don't hit your goal, it doesn't mean anything except what you make it mean. Don't make it mean that you fail or that you can't do it! Every day brings so many new opportunities. 

A lot of people struggle with that releasing the HOW part. So here are a few more notes on the HOW.

You don't have to know HOW you're going to do it right now. 

If you have ideas on how you're going to do it, that's great! The key is not dictating that it has to come the exact way on this exact day. 

You can make a plan for one "how" while still being open to other ways of reaching your goals.

You will eventually figure out how. Just don't force it or play small because you can't see it now

I hope that this live call made you see what is possible for you. The truth is you can have anything that you want. I loved getting to talk to you about the mindset and energy of all of this. If you did like the vibe of this and want more of it, I think you would be the perfect fit for the Art of Ease (my mindset course). You get instant access to more than three more hours of content like tonight's call that you can binge + join us live for three more calls in January. If you feel the nudge to join us for more of this vibe and intention, we'd all love to have you. It's a small group of fucking great women; I know you'd fit right in. 

It's about your goals. I hope that where ever your goals land for 2021, you DON'T GIVE UP ON THEM. As I mentioned at the end, maybe you learned a goal-setting technique from someone that you really liked, but something I said felt good. GREAT! 

You get to make your own rules for everything in life. Find a way to set a goal that feels amazing to you, and you'll be so much more likely to achieve it. 

If you feel motivated, I hope you take the inspired action you feel. That could be journaling, planning, taking a break, making a new thing, WHATEVER. When you hear that little voice in your head says. "what if I did this," it could be your intuition trying to give you that how. You'll learn how to tap into your intuition more and more with time(and it's something I teach in the art of ease). 

Whether 2020 was your best year or your worst year, 2021 gets to be whatever you decide it is. 

Cheers to an epic and abundant 2021!